Upcoming Events

Our next event might be in New Jersey! We are currently on the waitlist, hoping something opens up!

What: 40th Annual Rose Squared Art Show at Anderson Park

Where: 274 Bellevue Avenue, Upper Montclair, NJ at Anderson Park

When: Saturday 9/21 and Sunday 9/22 From 10am-5pm

More Info: https://rosesquared.com/

Also, since our main point of sales are made through events, I will no longer update our inventory pages. Fear not! I will still post all of our newest products on Instagram and Facebook! If you ever see anything that calls out to you, please contact me!

For every online sale made, I will donate 5% to our niece's GoFundMe page. She was diagnosed with ALL Leukemia this year and needs all the help and support she can get.